WeGotCode: a top Software Development company in Atlanta, according to Clutch

This post was guest-written by Emily Clark of clutch.co, to highlight our service provider listing and our reviews.

WeGotCode Provides Slew of Microsoft Service Offerings

We are a group of full-stack developers located in Atlanta. We think that every company should have at least one thing that they truly excel at – ours is Microsoft tech.

Our talented team is composed of Microsoft development experts. We use the most up-to-date frameworks such as .NET Core, MVC, and web API.

Throughout the years, we have had the chance to perfect our process. We use these 5 simple steps to ensure that we deliver viable solutions to satisfied clients.

  1. Understand their needs: first, we cover their requirements and expectations for the project.
  2. Simplify the system: if we think that any alternative solutions might work better or be less expensive for our clients, we tell them.
  3. Define “done”: we outline the services we are going to provide and determine what needs to happen for the project to be considered complete.
  4. Communicate: deliverables are selected, code is written, and products are reviewed by our client in each coding cycle.
  5. Follow up: we make sure that every client is satisfied with their finished product.

Pairing this process with our Microsoft expertise makes a winning combination, as you can see from one of our reviews on Clutch – a B2B ratings and reviews website that ranks us among the top web developers in Atlanta.

The review covers a project for a third-party client from a consulting firm. We used Microsoft Azure to develop a web-based project tracker that would allow users to track and record transactions each month. Our client had great things to say at the end of the project and gave us a 5-star rating:

Due to our reputation as Microsoft specialists, we have additionally been recognized by two other websites.

First, there is The Manifest, an online business news publication that names us to its list of the best UX designers in Atlanta.

Then, Visual Objects hosts our portfolio items so that clients can see our past work before hiring us.

If you are interested in seeing how a Microsoft solution could be implemented to help your business become more successful, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you!

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