Looking to save money on your new mobile app? Consider building a web view app!

Mobile apps are expensive, frequently costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you’re planning to build a web application and a complementary mobile app as well, consider using a “web view” approach where a very lightweight app displays the web app, which should be designed to seamlessly handle the transition from a PC screen to a mobile screen.

Here are some pros and cons of both approaches:

The cost savings associated with choosing between a web view of an existing web application and a custom native mobile app can vary widely based on several factors. Here are some considerations that can impact the cost savings:

  1. Development Time and Complexity: Developing a web view of an existing web application is generally quicker than building a custom native mobile app. The development time for a native app can be longer due to the need to write platform-specific code for each mobile operating system (iOS and Android). This can lead to cost savings in terms of developer hours and associated labor costs.
  2. Platform Compatibility: A web view can run on various platforms with minimal changes, which can save costs compared to creating separate native apps for different platforms. Native apps require specific development for iOS and Android, potentially doubling the development effort.
  3. User Experience: Native apps often provide a better user experience compared to web views. If a high-quality user experience is crucial for your app’s success, investing in a native app might be worth the added cost.
  4. Performance: Native apps generally offer better performance and responsiveness compared to web views. If your app requires resource-intensive features or demands high performance, a native app could be more appropriate, even if it costs more initially.
  5. Features and Functionality: If your app requires access to device hardware features (camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc.), a native app is better suited for integrating these functionalities seamlessly. Web views might struggle to provide such features with the same level of integration.
  6. Maintenance and Updates: Maintenance for a web view is often simpler since changes can be made to the web application and reflected in the app without requiring app updates. Native apps, on the other hand, may need more frequent updates and maintenance to stay up-to-date with OS changes and new device models.
  7. Long-Term Cost: While a web view might be cheaper initially, consider the long-term cost. If the app’s popularity grows, you might eventually need to transition to a native app to provide a better user experience and performance, which could incur additional costs later.
  8. UI/UX Design: If you have an existing web application with a responsive design, adapting it to a web view can be relatively straightforward. However, designing a native app’s user interface and user experience might require additional design work, which can impact costs.
  9. Third-Party Libraries and Integration: Native apps might require the integration of third-party libraries and APIs to provide certain functionalities. These integrations can have associated costs in terms of development time and potential licensing fees.
  10. Security: Native apps can offer better security controls and encryption compared to web views. Depending on the nature of your app, this might be an important factor to consider.

In conclusion, the amount of money that can be saved by using a web view versus a custom native app depends on your specific circumstances, priorities, and the nature of your application. While web views can offer cost savings in terms of initial development time, native apps can provide better performance, user experience, and integration with device features. It’s important to carefully evaluate your project’s requirements, goals, and budget before making a decision. Schedule a consultation with our experts and we can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific situation.

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