AWS vs Azure

AWS vs Azure: The Battle of the Cloud Platforms

Migrating to the cloud can improve security, lower costs, and increase integration. 

But what is the best cloud platform? Two major players stand out: Amazon 

Learn more about the battle of AWS vs Azure here! 

Why AWS vs Azure? 

Why should we compare AWS vs Azure? Simply put, they are the two biggest names in cloud computing at the moment. 

Two platforms dominate the market: Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. According to an analysis by Canalys, AWS holds 32% of the market and Microsoft Azure holds 19%. 

Thus, together AWS and Microsoft Azure hold over 50% of the cloud computing market. 

Pros and Cons of AWS

AWS has several advantages. 

First, AWS has a plethora of features. Amazon currently dominates the cloud application development market, making up 41% of the total pie. 

Second, AWS is very high-performing. Certain analyses (which are not entirely conclusive) place AWS either first or second in terms of computing power in certain metrics. 

In addition, AWS had the lowest network latencies of any cloud platform in 2021. 

AWS does, however, have several distinct disadvantages. 

First, AWS can have confusing billing. Because of the way AWS sends invoices, 

Second, AWS limits resources by region. This means that you could have fewer resources simply because of the region you happen to be in. 

These measures are in place to prevent individuals with malicious intent from hacking into the system, but they can be frustrating if you’re a new user. 

Pros and Cons of Azure

Microsoft Azure comes with several distinct advantages. 

First, Microsoft Azure is five times less expensive than AWS. This means that using Microsoft Azure can free up massive amounts of capital to invest in other areas of your business. 

Second, Microsoft Azure provides accessible third-party integration. 

High-quality third parties can assist in integrating Microsoft Azure into your business. 

Given Microsoft’s track record of third-party integration, it’s safe to say that Microsoft Azure will lead the way in this field for years to come. 

Third, Microsoft Azure boasts impressive availability. Microsoft Azure guarantees an uptime of 99.95%, better than most other brands that could offer 98%, 95%, or even 90% uptime. 

Microsoft Azure does have some potential downsides. 

First, you will still need to actively manage your data. Microsoft Azure does not, by default, provide data managing or patching services, so you will need IT professionals who know how to work with the program. 

This shouldn’t be a problem if you have competent IT staff. 

Second, location can be a problem for some businesses. If you live in the United States, Europe, Australia, India, Japan, or China, then there won’t be any speed problems.

Locations other than those could experience some issues.  

So What is the Best Cloud Platform?

All of this talk about AWS vs Azure is complicated. There isn’t always a clear answer to what the best cloud platform is. There are, however, distinctive advantages and disadvantages to both. 

Still wondering what platform is best for your business? Contact us here and we will be happy to help you pick out and integrate the cloud platform that is perfect for your business. 

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